This article was originally posted by Scoutmagazine.
Ubuntu Canteen and Cultivate Tea each bring to the table unique and delectable offerings: Ubuntu Canteen serves delicious dishes that are equal parts comfort food and gourmet, all created with local, organic, sustainable ingredients; Cultivate Tea pours “a curated collection of rare, unique and delicious teas” that transforms the act of drinking the beverage into an art and an experience.

Dishing up something new and exciting, the owners of the two food and drink destinations, Executive Chef David Gunawan and tea connoisseur Jude Wang, have joined forces to open a casual wine bar in the bustling Mount Pleasant neighbourhood. Based on their track records, the new venture is poised for success. Wang has a loyal customer base that eagerly snaps up his products to the point of them regularly selling out. Gunawan has an impressive track record of launching award-winning restaurants that have helped define the city’s culinary landscape: Wildebeest (Best New Restaurant in 2012), Farmer’s Apprentice (Best New Restaurant, Best Casual Restaurant and Restaurant of the Year in 2014), Grapes & Soda (Best Bar in 2018) and Royal Dinette (Best New Restaurant and Chef of the Year in 2019).

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