We were thrilled to participate in the Militant Mother’s Day on May 7, 2022, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Militant Mothers of Raymur victory in Strathcona!
The Militant Mothers of Raymur story is one of 25 fiercely brave women rallying together to take on the City of Vancouver and the rail companies to advocate for their children, who needed to cross the active train tracks in order to get to school. Watching their children climb through moving trains was frightening and the Mothers began lobbying the rail companies to change the train schedule to protect the students making their way to and from Admiral Seymour Elementary School.
After months of inaction and empty promises through the typical channels, the Militant Mothers took direct action by setting up a blockade on the train tracks to protest for a safe pedestrian overpass. The City and rail companies were forced to act and the overpass was finally built in 1971, providing the children safe passage to school!
The Militant Mothers went on to create a food co-op which grew into the Ray-cam Cooperative Centre, further supporting the children and families of their community.

This meaningful overpass sits a block away from our Assembly project and represents the perseverance and determination of these strong Mothers.
It was a pleasure to have had the opportunity to meet many of our Strathcona neighbours at the celebration and along with our project partner Hudson, we were honoured to be able to sponsor and present the Vancouver Heritage Foundation’s plaque telling this incredible story.

Click here for more information on the Militant Mothers of Raymur pedestrian overpass in Strathcona and to learn more about other places that matter throughout Vancouver.
Assembly is a collaboration between Hudson and fabric.